Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How to drink with The Dude

Every so often, I feel the need to spend some time thinking about how to supplement my already vast appreciation for The Big Lebowski by adding the element of a drinking game.

Having a White Russian each time The Dude makes one in the film seems to be the most popular approach, but White Russians are nasty, coffee-laden concoctions that could manipulate my gag reflex as easily as Monica Lewinsky manipulated Slick Willy’s ding-dong. And I’m trying to augment my enjoyment of the film, not turn it into a bigger disaster than Rod Marinelli’s career as an NFL head coach.

The problem with such an absolute rejection of the White Russian is that it’s the signature drink of The Big Lebowski—it’s what The Dude likes to drink. But there are a few scenes in the bowling alley where The Dude seems to be drinking shitty light beer. So maybe it’s possible for me to kick back with a bunch of PBR tall boys and still have at least a reasonable claim of non-poserdom, if not one of experiential authenticity. At least now I know my beverage of choice.

But I’m still left with the problem of the game itself. I’ve thought about taking a swig of PBR every time someone swears, but I don’t want to end up on the floor before The Dude even meets the other Jeffrey Lebowski. A swig each time someone says “dude” or “Dude” could put me in the same predicament. Perhaps a more substantial swig each time someone mentions The Dude’s rug or his car could put me in the ideal sort of pig to shit ratio that would produce Dude-vana.

Ultimately, though, I think that the best thing is to get together a few people, a case of PBR, and The Big Lebowski. It could be a wet-run of sorts, the kind of thing where we figure out what might work and what will crash more violently than the Dallas Cowboys’ playoff train. Who’s with me?


  1. I've thought about this very deeply for the past 14 seconds. What if you drink every time Walter insults Donny and take a more generous swig each time Walter says something kind to Donny? This would likely be sustainable, though it might be necessary to augment the event list (i.e., finish your beer each time Walter's ex-wife's Pomeranian is referenced).

  2. Wet-run = ewwwwwwwwwwww. I know what you meant, but I'm generally not a fan of those two words joined by a hyphen.

  3. By the way, I liked the rest of it.

  4. i wish i could be there for the development of the ground rules for this game - that's the best part.

    maybe you could do a healthy swig everytime walter goes on a vietnam-caused rant? or maybe it's more of a shots game - like a red headed slut when muade lebowski is in a scene, a greasy mexican for jesus, peach schnapps for brandt, etc.

    i'll share this post w/ ddsmolls who may have some additional ideas, and will be eager to participate in a) drinking, b) watching the big lebowski.

  5. I am in. This is the kind of drinking I can go all in for.

    You could also figure out a system for whenever CCR is playing or referenced.

  6. I've done the white russian game, it involves in fact pausing the movie in order to have time to make more drinks. If you do choose this route, I recommend making a pitcher for easy access and pourage. On that note, I would like Brian to make a drinking game up to the short fucking version of the Big Lebowski. I've attached a link for those who are unfamiliar. Enjoy.

  7. That short fucking version is something special. But as it's only a little bit over two minutes, my PBR idea would be difficult. But maybe we could use dap's shot idea--each time someone who isn't The Dude or Walter says some form of the word "fuck," you have to do a shot. Of course, just between DeFino, Jesus, and the nihilists, you're looking at quite a few shots for a two-minute period, maybe too many. Shots of PBR, perhaps?
